Rawai.fr est enregistré depuis 2009 comme autoentreprise à la chambre de commerce sous le n° de Siret 51404378500013. Le site est en ligne depuis janvier 2009. Siège social : Rue de Caen, 14390 Varaville, FRANCE
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General Terms and Conditions of our Service

Terms and Conditions are usually the most boring content, unless you are a lawyer or like self-inflicted pain. Nobody reads them until Murphy's Law strikes and things start to go wrong. Well, we would like to make it a bit less boring here, but keep in mind that this is an important part of business and needs to be clear and legally correct. And this is only a translation. The binding agreement is in Thai language, because we are registered in Thailand and the law requires it.

Our website was built to help customers book their tickets for public transportation. Simple and easy. And we provide additional travel-related information – check it out by clicking on any station name to find unique information about that place. With 12Go you can make reservations for public transportation services. When the text says “we”, “us”, “our” or “12Go Asia” it means 12go.asia. The term “you” refers to you, the valued customer visiting our website and making a reservation yourself or via one of our agents or re-sellers or in any other way.

If you use our website, you agree to our terms and conditions and are bound by them. No excuses, no modifications. If you don't like it or do not agree to our conditions, stay away and buy your ticket the old-fashioned way – days in advance at a local ticket counter. Terms and conditions change over time. This is normal and common sense. We can change the terms at any time and will not announce this in advance. But this will happen only when it is absolutely necessary, so don't worry, it will not happen frequently.

12go Asia is an online ticket agent. We are not a charity; we sell tickets. We do not operate any vehicles on our own. To provide excellent service to you, we have connected a network of over 250 operators. We show prices, departure and transit times and some pictures of vehicles you can expect to travel with, and we provide fair prices. We recommend that you use bus operators you are familiar with and whose service you feel comfortable with. Please keep in mind that public transportation in Asia might be different from experiences you have had in your home country and that locals often do not speak English. You might want to read the comments about the operators before you book. And you can leave your own comment for future travelers.


For most of the operators, immediately after payment, we will provide you with a ticket that is accepted by your transportation services company. Even if the process of securing a seat for you is more complicated, you will receive a confirmation of your successful payment instantly. This is an automated process and it works. If you think you paid, but you did not get a receipt from us the same moment, then the payment did not happen and your seats are not secured. Or the confirmation went to your 'unknown' email folder or somewhere else. If you can not find it, please contact our support on the website.f you need to change or cancel a ticket, there might be fees from the operator. If cancellations are made within the cancellation time allowed by the operator, tickets can be refunded at the corresponding fraction of the fare (not including the fees!). So please, please, double-check your departure times and dates before you click “Pay”. Some operators do not refund at all, and some tickets cannot be changed. This is out of our control. We will provide support and information in case of any delays or problems we are aware of.

The process with train tickets is different. After successful payment, we will try to purchase the ticket for you. You will receive a confirmation of successful booking and another one that the tickets were issued, or you will receive a message that your train is fully booked, in which case we will tell you the alternatives. If the alternatives do not suit you, we will fully refund your ticket price. If the alternative ticket is cheaper than the one you paid for, we will refund the price difference. Train tickets have to be ordered in advance. The earlier you order, the greater the chance you will actually get your ticket. We are not bound by the 30/60-days-in-advance booking limitation of Thailand State Railways. We can accept bookings for any day in the future. Train tickets have to be purchased by us at the railway counter. We will do this as soon as possible after we have received your payment. There is a chance that during this time your train will become fully booked. Please do not expect that the ticket is your's immediately after you paid – wait for the final confirmation! The number of available seats shown does not reflect reality; it only indicates that there might be free seats on that train at the moment you look at the website. The update could be delayed and there are no seats left.
Tickets can be picked up in Bangkok at our office in the DOB Building opposite the Hua Lamphong railway station (or at the Bosshotel in Chiang Mai) any time after they are issued. If you plan to pick them up outside office hours, please inform our team in advance. Please collect your tickets as soon as possibel, or at least 60 minutes before departure, and bring a valid photo ID with you. And please understand that once the tickets are out of our hands, e.g. you picked them up or we handed them over to the shipping company, we can not refund or change them anymore. There is still a chance that you can get a refund or change the trip with the tickets in your hands at any railways counter.


If the vehicle, train or vessel does not depart or reach the destination on time. Our schedules are the ones we get from the operators; you have to discuss such issues with them.
If the transport operator’s employees are rude. Actions that are normal in one culture can be offensive in another. And anybody can have a bad night. Keep in mind that we are sitting in an office in Bangkok and do not know your driver (just as your travel office does not know the pilot of the flight you booked).
If the operator’s seats or vehicles are not up to your expectations or exactly as shown on the pictures.
If the operator cancels your trip due to force majeure or unavoidable reasons. If there is a storm, your ferry might not depart. And this is for your safety, so you should be glad about it.
If your baggage gets damaged or vanishes into thin air. Keep an eye on your valuables.
If the operator has to change your seat to accommodate a monk or handicapped person. This rarely occurs, but there is nothing we can do about it.
If you went to the wrong boarding point. Please look at the map we provide on every ticket to find out the exact location of your boarding point.
If the operator changes the boarding point and/or changes the vehicle or sends a pick-up vehicle to the boarding point to bring you to the departure point.
If you fail to provide contact details or not follow our instructions


you gave us wrong email address. Check it twice (PLEASE)! If we find out that you provided a wrong email address we try to contact you by text/SMS via the phone number you have given us. Email is very important - that is the main channel you get your confirmations, notifications etc.
you gave us wrong phone number or your phone is offline when needed. In emergencies (departure delayed/bad weather: ferry won't go, change of departing point, etc) - we will try to contact you via the phone you have provided. If you are in roaming, it is required to have your roaming number working an hour or two before boarding/departure/check-in. We'll sent you text/SMS and if that won't work, we call - to save your costs.
you failed to follow instructions give in the email/PDF: came right at departure time and the bus is gone, went to a station advised by locals instead of following our directions, did not call us in case of uncertainty, etc.
your connecting flight/bus/friend is right after your estimated arrival, but the bus/train/donkey was late - please do reserve significant time for connections (at least 5 hours for connecting flights);
the operator did not perform as you have expected it: the aircon did not work, a cockroach crossed your way, bus took longer than expected, on-board snack was poor, or other serious disasters - please complain to the operator, not to us. We are engineers building travel IT system - we do not run buses or trains and neither we fly, train elephants or make your bed in a hostel. The stewardesses at the bus were hired not by us but by the operating company - hence they may not speak enough English. But they all understand Thai in Thailand.
you have missed the cancellation deadline.
you have missed the departure due to any factors we had no influence on.
some other cases, explained in this document - we also strongly advise to read our FAQs.

We play fair and if we made a mistake - we refund and try to fix the case by all possible means (yes, everyone in the world make mistakes; if you do not, we have a position open for you!).

The given departure times on your ticket are the times we got from the operators. It is your responsibility to arrive at the departure point early enough. Normally you have to check in as you need to do when boarding a flight: exchange your voucher for a boarding pass at the operator’s booth. There may be many operators departing from your boarding and/or departure points, so it might take a while to find the right one. Your transport will not leave the departure point before the time given on the ticket.
The arrival time is given by the operators or in some cases calculated when there is no data available. Keep in mind that there are several reasons why your journey might be delayed. If there is a transit time between stations, be careful. This time is calculated automatically and does not include the extra time you will spend in a taxi in heavy traffic during rush hour. Make sure you are early enough in case things do not go as smoothly as you would expect. And calculate at least 5 hours between your scheduled arrival and the departure of a connecting flight!


You might have to exchange your voucher for a ticket at the operator’s booth, depending on the operator. (Yes, you just read this before. This is not déjà vu. But it is important enough to repeat.) There may be many operators departing from your origin, so it might take a while to find the right one. Please make sure you will arrive in time to exchange your voucher at the operator’s booth or office for those operators that do require this. In Bangkok the bus terminals are huge. Some terminals handle over 300 buses in the evening hours. If this is your first bus trip please make sure you don't come late. You will need time to find the booth for your bus.

Most probably you will have to prove your identity (so please carry and show your ID card, driver’s license, student ID card, company ID card, passport, etc.). Operators will usually accept anything with your name and picture on it. Failure to prove your identity may end up in boarding being denied.

Important! If you have a connecting flight after your trip booked with us, please allow 5 hours between the arrival of your bus/ferry and the flight departure!

Change of vehicles: The operator may have to change the vehicle or vehicle class because of some important reason; in such a case, 12Go Asia will refund the difference in fares to you if you contact us within 24 hours of your arrival with the exact details of what happened and why. Pictures always help explain the problem and will make the process easier. (BTW: Please send us your best picture from your trip – you might win a prize!)
If you have complains on the operator services, please talk to them directly right after your trip at the station. We are an IT system to collect fare payments, which are almost instantly going to the operator once you paid. We can not re-fund in these cases simply because your money are not with us.


If you managed to read all the text above, you are really tough. If you just jumped here, there might be a problem. Dang – such things happen. Now let's try to make the best of it. Please keep in mind that our support staff is there to help you. They are not the ones who caused your problem; they are your friends. Being rude to them does not help you. And they are locals. There might be a language barrier if you contact us in any other language than Thai or English. German and Russian language is not a big deal, but French, Dutch, Klingon or something we even can't identify is.

To make it easier for you and to avoid long discussions, you now have the option to cancel your tickets yourself. Please click the “Support” button on the top of the page. Read the whole page to see if you find information useful for your case. When you reach the bottom of the page, enter your booking number and email. You will see the available options. If there are no options, the operator does not allow cancellation or you are simply too late.

If you are worried about not being able to travel on the day, please ask our support about the specific cancellation details for your operator before you book with us!

Some of the tickets booked through 12Go Asia can be cancelled. Some tickets cannot be cancelled. Don't expect that your ticket can be refunded! Please note that the cancellation process, the fee and cancellation period differ from one operator to another. And we are connected to over 250 different operators. In general, you have to inform us at least 72 hours before your departure. Anything later than that will almost certainly be too late. You should contact our support team immediately and provide complete details, including a solid reason why you have to change your booking. In some cases (depending on the operator / payment gateway used) the money might not be transferred back to your account, but it will be refunded to your internal 12Go account and can be used for your next booking. Most of the operators allow cancellations made 72 hours prior to departure. Some charge a fee for seats paid via 7-Eleven counter service, and some charge a percentage of the total price. Our customer service will tell you which one applies in your case. Changes requested less than 72 hours before departure might not be possible at all.

Payments with PayPal can be easily refunded immediately. Refunds for payments made with your credit card (Omise system) will take up to 30 working days. The money leaves our account instantly, but the banks and payment gateways take that long to process the transaction. To refund payments made with counter service (7-Eleven) is very complicated, if possible at all. They require you to have a bank account in Thailand.

Train tickets will be fully refunded if we cannot provide them. If you book a long time in advance and want to cancel your ticket before it was issued, the cancellation fee is 20%. Once the ticket is issued and you have received the final confirmation that the ticket is ready to be picked up at our offices, the cancellation fee is 50% of the ticket price. Once it is 72 hours or less to your departure time, we cannot refund your ticket. You still can pick it up, go to the counter and try to get 50% refunded there, but make sure you carry your passport with you. As there are a lot of processes behind securing your ticket we can not refund the online booking fee.

Once you have picked up your tickets / boarding passes or we have handed them over to the shipping company in case you requested shipping there is nothing we can do with them anymore. We can not refund or change them, because they are not in our hands anymore. Do not expect us to refund them in such a case, we simply can't.

In case your booking confirmation gets delayed or fails because of technical reasons and e-mail and/or SMS cannot be delivered or because you provided an incorrect e-mail ID / phone number, a ticket will be considered “booked” as long as the ticket shows up in the 12go.asia database. In case your tickets vanished into thin air or got lost during the shipping process, a passport copy is needed to make a police report about lost tickets. With a copy of this police report the passenger will be allowed to board the train. If the customer wants 12Go to make the report for them a copy of the passport has to be provided.


By using the 12Go website and services you agree to contact the support to resolve any problem you might have before opening a dispute with the bank. If you fail to do so you agree to pay a US-$ 500 fine for any unreasonable dispute you initiate with the bank to incur operational costs of chargeback processing. At 12Go our support will do everything possible to help customers to solve problems that might occur during the booking process or until they have their tickets in hand.

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